I don’t “attend” church, HOWEVER, my wife and I are DOING LIFE with a group of believers that we consider our closest friends and family. We found a church
that valued relationships above all other things. Above all man-made belief systems, religion, programs, and tactics. Do you know who else values relationship over ALL other things?? Jesus!! He values that connection and 1-on-1 relationship; one that never stops progressing.
I am a man who has strived and aspired to always be more. Be better. Be stronger. Faster. Healthier. Fitter. I have burned with passion to be a better husband, a better father, and a better man. I have failed and failed, time and time again. Like almost every man, unless you’re still lying to yourself, lol, I have fallen short. With my macro plan. Daily eating habits. Missed workouts. Mediocre workouts. I have failed at being consistent. At home. In my marriage. To my children. To God. I have fallen flat on my face many times and occasionally wallowed in that failure.

BUT GOD!!!!!...... has called me to Rise Up and be the man He designed and created me to be. To lead my family. To love my wife, unconditionally, as He loves us. I have a calling to lead men from a life of mediocrity and failure TO a life of Purpose and Victory. My goal is not to be a personal trainer, a nutrition coach or a fitness expert. My overwhelming passion is to TRANSFORM men’s lives. The plan is to forge a life of strength and discipline, while BUILDING a body that is strong and resilient. We must CREATE an unstoppable warrior MINDSET, all while LIVING a vibrant life that is Kingdom focused.

ISSA Certified Master Trainer
ISSA Certified Nutrition Coach
ISSA Strength and Conditioning Specialist
ISSA Youth Fitness Specialist
ISSA Performance Enhancement Specialist
ISSA Online Coach Specialist
ISSA Bodybuilding Specialist

My entire life I find myself being randomly connected with like-minded men and youth wanting to be better. To love better. To be stronger. To be leaner. To lose weight. To be healthier. To be better husbands, better fathers. Struggling to be more like Jesus. To get out of sins entanglement. While I myself have constantly struggled with the same issues.
I educated myself, became certified, and started a business formed specifically for locking shields with other men of all walks, ages, shapes, sizes, and all backgrounds. I am strongly persuaded, even whole heartedly convinced that God has called and set me apart with a passion to clearly instruct, equip, train, and encourage others. Rise Up's objective is to successfully change not just a physique, an eating habit, or a weak attempt to change who they are, BUT to realize who they are in Christ. Who He designed us to be. Who He created us to be. His purpose for us. As a man.
Rise Up Training is about building a relationship. It’s about partnering together and building a foundation based on faith, fitness, and overall health.
Together, we will take what you have, with where you are, and Elevate your quality of life. Let’s live for more.

Change starts
from within