My name is Brandon. I’m an average guy living an extraordinary life. To those in this world to whom my heart belongs, I am Hubby, Dad, Mikey B, Bandit, and Mikayla. Ssshhhh!! Few people know about that one. To be clear, it’s word play on my first name, Michael. Wifey and my girls think it's hilarious, so I’m ok with it.
I am first, a follower of Jesus. I am nothing on my own. He strengthens, enables, and empowers me to be the man He called me to be. Second, I do life with this gorgeous woman who I get to call my wife. She is literally ALL any man could ask for (and then some). Third, I am Dad. Somehow, God thought I had what it takes to love, protect, and lead these little girls into a life that glorified Him. By the way, He thought I had what it takes because He gives me all I need.

My best friend and I just celebrated our 15-year wedding anniversary. I don’t deserve her as my wife. She loves me to no end. For whatever reason, God saw fit to place her in my life to be my partner, my help, my friend, my support, my everything. We have built a life on the foundation of Jesus. He is the giver of all good things, including 4 daughters. These girls are amazing, beautiful, smart, and alotta fun. I laughingly claim to be the “Minority in the best sorority”.

I LOVE my wife. I LOVE my daughters. Besides living a life that is pleasing to God, these ladies are my utmost priority and the reason I strive to be the man they deserve. With all that is within me, I resolve to love them unconditionally, serve them like there is no tomorrow, lead them to a life of peace in knowing Jesus, and to protect them with all the strength and abilities God has given me.

My marriage, my family, and my own life are held together by strength and love given to me from the Holy Spirit. God is placed in the very center of our life together and in our home. We live to serve Him, to Know Him and build his Kingdom first. After this our life is focused on loving each other and enjoying every moment together with friends, family, and our church family (these are the people we DO life with). God is good. He has been better to me than I deserve. I am thankful and blessed to be called His.