Who would wanna be able to bench 4 plates but need a break from chasing your kids around the yard?
Why would anyone want to be able to run a 100-mile race, but not be able to get all the groceries in one trip?
We were made to move and to move well. The human body was built to perform, to work, to GO! I believe we should all:
1. Feel amazing
2. Be confident in our own skin
3. Perform daily tasks with ease.
4.Function without pain or injury.
Rise Up Training Method is a systematic approach to stimulate the body and improve functional capacities (get bigger, stronger, faster, and better looking in a swimsuit) founded on these basic principles:


Progressive Overload
Not just in the sense of add weight, add sets, or add reps….We will introduce metabolic stress in so many different ways.

Cardiovascular Health
We train all systems linked to variations of cardiovascular health. Be equipped to take the stairs, play freeze tag with the kiddos, or prep for a local 5k

Move well and move often. Our bodies mobility directly impacts our quality of life and prevents common injury

Functional Training
Focus on performing movements in the gym that carry over into everyday living

Functional Bodybuilding
Prioritizing quality of movements to develop motor control, strength, and hypertrophy

Everyone wants bigger muscles- PLUS- bigger muscle fibers lead to greater strength and size

1. SMART Goal setting Process – I am here to help you reach your goals, regardless of what those goals are. Every client has a different goal, so we approach each client individually. I help you in setting those goals and equip you with the tools that allow you to LIVE FOR MORE. At the end of the day though, you decide where we go.
2. Personal Attention – Rise Up Training is founded on personal relationships. God did not call me to run a sheep herding fitness business or a globo gym. My purpose is to help people identify their goals, the steps necessary to achieve those goals, and how to live life to the full designed intent. John 10:10, "I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].
3. Results Driven Training – I will assess every client from the beginning and track progress daily. Our training method will be the most efficient way to give you the results you want to see. Progress is what drives this program.
4. Constant Growth - Rise Up programs are designed to be the most efficient route toward your goal. We don’t support gimmicks or fads to create an illusion of progress. I will actively work to educate myself and stay on top of the game with methods that prove effective in regard to bettering our bodies physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.