Frustrated. Confused. Often ready to throw our hands up in the air and quit, we're left wondering why we can't figure things out. Whether your goals are losing weight, gaining muscle, overcoming a health issue or the biggest issue of dealing with some of life's curveballs and finding actual peace and joy. Let's talk about how to step back and evaluate your approach to all of these issues. Let's be honest, we are all dealing with them on some level.

Why is my body not changing?

The case is almost always the same. I have found myself here a hundred times. You look in the mirror and your exact thought is, "Why is my body not changing?".
Here is the deal. Not my opinion, but science (God made us. He made science and biology), our bodies respond, they adapt. Let's discuss the most common variables that are overlooked so we start eliminating what we control.
Losing Weight and Gaining Muscle
Here is a list to evaluate and I'll discuss them in an overview. Ask yourself the following:
How much am I really eating?
Am I eating too much food?
Am I eating enough food?
What is in the food I am actually eating?

Macros- The amount of protein, fats, and carbs that are in the calories we eat.
Stay with me, I don't wanna lose you yet. I'm not saying everyone should count and weigh their food. I am saying, however, if you are unhappy and frustrated with your body not responding as quickly or aggressively as you'd like, it is necessary to step back and see where you really are. The way to do that is to KNOW what you're eating.
Each individual will have different goals and macronutrient needs of course. That is based on goals and individual starting points.
Am I missing workouts?

Am I saying workout 7 days a week? No. Of course not.
Again, if your body isn't responding to the level that you feel it should be, step back, and evaluate your effort.
Are you:
Missing workouts?
Hitting a daily step goal?
Adding intensity to your movements?
Applying progressive overload
Be honest in your evaluation.
Why is my life such a mess?
Life isn't always rainbows and unicorns for sure.
Matthew 5:45 says, "For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike."
If one thing is certain, life isn't always easy. It's easy to look around (especially in todays time) and be discouraged, anxious, disappointed or even angry. It's common to not be content with where we are, or what we have. It's easy to get wrapped up in a "keeping up with the Jones' mentality."
John 14:27 says this, “I’m telling you these things while I’m still living with you. The Friend, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send at my request, will make everything plain to you. He will remind you of all the things I have told you. I’m leaving you well and whole. That’s my parting gift to you. Peace. I don’t leave you the way you’re used to being left—feeling abandoned, bereft. So don’t be upset. Don’t be distraught.

When your feeling down and just a lack of JOY, it's time to step back and evaluate. Ask yourself:
Do I know Jesus? Is He in my life?
Do I have a relationship with the Holy Spirit?
Am I reading daily to hear from Him?
Am I spending any time in prayer?
Am I connected to my community? The church?
Are you focused on building YOUR kingdom or the Kingdom?
I find myself needing to ask these questions personally far more than any reader could possibly know. Now I can offer them as a help for anyone I have connections with.
We need Community and Accountability
My pastor is always saying "We are not meant to do life alone". After taking that to heart and applying it's principle to my life and that of my family, I have found that he is right. It's much easier to wade your way through the muck when a friend can pull or push you through it. It's much easier to weather a storm in life with the Holy Spirit.
2 Cor 12: 9-10 says, "Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.10 That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
My Heart and my Offer
This is not about trying to get a client or better myself. I have a calling on my life to help people in the area of fitness, nutrition, and point others to Jesus. Our church tags this quote and lives it out in action, "Love. Serve. Point." If you're serious about bettering yourself, Elevating the quality of your own life, gaining or losing weight, reaching a health goal, contact me about personal training or online programming. If you find that life is tossing you back and forth and you have no support, then let me point you to Jesus, the Rock. I would love to have a conversation about Jesus and how He loves us and how He came not just give us life, but give us life MORE ABUNDANTLY! That's what I'm after. Join me. Live for More.
