I'd be willing to bet that not a single person reading this doesn't want to be "better" in some shape, form, or fashion. If you work out; I guarantee you want to be stronger, faster, more energetic, and have a better quality of life. If you follow Jesus, then you realize more and more just how sufficient His grace is, and that we are Sooooo far from living the life He inteded for us.
Progressive Overload
What is that exactly?
Progressive Overload is a principle based on Continually Increasing the demands of your body and your muscles to Consistently make gains in muscle size, strength, or endurance.
Progressive Overload in our walk with Christ is a little different. I can't wait to share that with you.
For now let's continue with Fitness.
Different Types of Progressive Overload and How to Apply Them:
Increase the Load/Weight - This is simply adding more weight or resistance to the same number of reps/sets that you're currently doing.
Increase the Reps - While keeping the same load/weight, simply do additional reps with each set you're currently doing.
Increase the Volume - This can mean adding additional training days to what you're currently doing in your program, or it can also be in the form of adding sets to certain muscle groups. Basically, adding more work.
Increase the TUT - This is my preferred method of progressive overload. Studies prove that this method results in greater results in strength and muscle size. This method is keeping the muscle under the work load for a longer amount of time per set. It usually focuses on the eccentric (negative) part of a movement for a 3-5 second count, which results in more TIME UNDER TENSION.
Decrease the Rest- Simply take less rest time in between working sets. This deems very effective especially when you're pressed for time. Give it a try. The effects and results will definitely surprise you.
Progress Overload in my walk with Jesus?
I have been excited to write about this. I've never heard any concept like it. During my prayer time recently, I just kind've thought of this concept. (For those who have the Holy Spirit leading their life, we know good and well He gave it to me) Hear me out. It may be a stretch, but it spoke to me.
This isn't about being a better "Christian". This is about having a closer relationship with Jesus. It's a Romans 12: 1-2 kinda thing. This is long but worth the read. From THE MESSAGE:
"So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you."
Increase the Load/Weight - Commit to "the church". To "your church". The term 20% of the people do 80% of the work comes to mind. In community we share responsibility. Put on more weight. Carry a bigger load. We all have a purpose and for the body to function properly, every part has to operate efficiently.
Increase the Reps - When we pray, spend another minute or two. Let's not be in a hurry. Just like when you come home from work, you're kids run up and hug you, then climb up in your lap. Just like our Father, He wants time with you. He wants your attention.
Increase the Volume - Not just more reading, more praying, but more seeking His presence. Increase the overall instances where we seek His approval for our actions, His consent for the words we speak, and His blessing on the plan for our lives.
Increase the TUT - I was thinking of how we pray. We often get in and get out when it comes to prayer. Another verse from THE MESSAGE, Psalm 100:4 says, " Enter with the password: Thank you! Make yourselves at home, speaking praise. Thank Him. Worship Him" . Let's increase the TUT in a sense. Spend time thanking Him, praising Him, just talk to the Father, and listen to what He may say to you in return.
Decrease the Rest- Don't spend so much time in between conversations. Sunday to Sunday is a long time in between workouts. Would we make progress like that? Could we expect progress in our hearts and lives? Don't go a day without Jesus. Don't even go hours. Make Him an integral part of your day.