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Writer's pictureBrandon Guinn

Consistency Plus Purpose Equals Growth

What you do EVERY DAY matters more than what you do once in a while. Great quote, right? Why is consistency important though? Does it really matter? Can I still get results from occasionally doing "the thing"?

Today, I want to magnify the importance of consistency in 2 areas: The progress of our fitness/health/weight loss journey, and the growth of our relationship with Jesus.

That's what this blog is always about: Fitness, Faith, Nutrition and everything related or in between. That's where my heart is and I want to help us all to grow and move forward. I want us all to LIVE FOR MORE!

Before we dive in, let me clarify that there is nothing wrong with seasons of maintenance, times of rest or recovery. The following applies to those that are hungry; hungry for growth, progress, improvement. It applies to those wanting more out of life, passionate about finding their purpose, and those who want a deeper relationship with our God!

Without Commitment You'll Never Start. Without

Consistency You'll Never Finish.

This quote hits hard, but we need to accept that it's true. Let me provide this scenario to prove a point. (I apologize in advance for the math, but stay with me)

To be on the same page for this example:

3500 calories = 1 pound

Got it? Good!

Let's say that your goal is to lose weight. You are absolutely crushing it Mon-Fri. You're eating the right foods, your move goal is on point and you're 500 calories in the negative all 5 days. Awesome. If you managed that for 7 days, in theory you would lose 1 pound in a week. Don't get bored, here is the point!

Let's say you eat out or inhale an entire chocolate cake on Saturday, then have a B-day party on Sunday. and you overeat by 1,000 calories. (Please remember, there is nothing wrong with that kind of weekend. I enjoy those too. Trust me. This is for people looking to make a change and improve.)

Mon-Fri: You're 2500 calories in the negative

Sat-Sun: You're 2,000 calories over

Total for the Week: 500 calories in the negative.

At that exact rate: You would lose 1 pound in 7 weeks. Which is great if you're consistent, but disappointing if you're motivated and expect better results faster.

If you would have stayed on track for 7 days:

1 Week- Lost 1 pound

1 Month- Lost 4 pounds

Lack of Consistency Cancels Progress

"If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me" Jer. 29:13

There has always been a fire within me. I've been searching for something. I've tried to fill that void for most of my life. It's crazy that you can put anything you want in that space, yet it's always empty. We were created with a purpose. We were created for relationship, specifically one with the One who created us.

Before I misspeak, God's grace is sufficient. We can't earn His love or salvation. He loved us first and His love is unconditional.

Using a scenario similar to above, check this out. This one is even more clear and helpful.

Mon-Fri: You go to work. You do the job. You pick up the kids. You do dinner, homework, baths, and in bed.

Saturday: You have to catch up on the honey-do list. Mow the yard, fix the sink, change the oil, do all the things.

Sunday: Hey Jesus! Go to church. Sing some songs. Pray a little, say "Amen" and we're off to beat the crowd to Chili's.

I'm sure you picked up on some sarcasm, BUT I have lived a decent portion of my life just like that. I have worked really hard to check off ALL the boxes. What am I trying to say?

We were created for an active, dynamic, fruitful life that glorifies Him.

I assure you that there is something inside of you scratching and clawing it's way to the surface. Recognize it. Act on it.

Jesus came so that we may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance[to the full, till it overflows]. John 10:10

In order to live that life, it requires relationship. Relationships require communication. That road is a 2-way street.

The solution:


We pick up our Bibles- we read the Word, we get into our hearts, we allow it to change us.

We pray- not fake prayers- we simply talk to our best friend, we cry, we get real, honest, vulnerable.

We obey- we accept that His ways are higher than our ways. We trust Him. We pick up our cross, we deny ourselves, and we follow Him

We worship- worship is not the music and songs on Sunday morning, it's adoration and thanksgiving for how good He is and how awesome He is and the unconditional love He shows us.

Let's end with this: Romans 12: 1-2 The Message

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

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