There's always an easy way and a hard way. One usually gives greater results than the other. We should weigh the costs and effort required of each to determine "is it worth it"? Today, I want to weigh the cost and value of 2 things. Hint: one is fitness/nutrition related and the other is following Jesus.
Can't I just workout? Do I HAVE to count macros?
I'll be honest and upfront with this. Working out is easy. Counting macros, weighing food, resting, recovering, stretching, etc are the things that are really hard. The simple answer to the initial question is yes, you can avoid those "hard" things. You can work out and not count macros. You can choose to lift weights, do endless cardio, and stretch for 2 minutes when you're done. That will all benefit you, no doubt, but will it give you what you are REALLY after?
What am I missing out on?
When you are unaware of how you are fueling your body, you don't know what to adjust to improve any aspect of your life. Allow me to give a few sample scenarios.
" I'm not getting stronger, but I'm killin' it in the gym" - Are you getting enough calories and protein to build new muscle tissue?
" Why am I so sluggish all day, I thought working out is suppose to make you feel better"? - Are you fueling your body to do the work you're asking it to do?
" I'm not losing weight and I've been eating 'healthy' ". - Do you KNOW how many calories your consuming and do you KNOW how many calories you burn daily during an average day?
Put gas in the car, but don't change the oil?
You put gas in your car every week, right? You're supposed to change the oil every 3-5k miles, right? You can for sure wait til 10k, 15k,...even wait a year or 2 and not change it right? Probably, but eventually the engine is gonna lock up and Die! You will be left stranded on the side of the road, broken down.
Do you want life? Do you want LIFE to the FULLEST?
Anyone can come to Jesus! You or anyone, despite their past can be forgiven. 1 John 1:9 says, " If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness".
Without a theological debate, check this out! You can be forgiven and not read your Bible. You can get "saved" and not pray very often. You can be a member of a church and be unkind to people. OH MY!! Really? Come on, isn't that all of us. We all have a sin nature. That sinful side is always fighting to take back over our lives. Our flesh is always battling the New Creation that coming to Jesus made us. It's a lot like the old Cherokee Tale, Which wolf will you feed? Check it out if you aren't familiar.
The Wolf You Feed - Which Wolf Will You Feed? – Cherokee Copper. It's basically saying there is a war inside us. One half wants to do good vs the other side that's full of evil. Which one will win? The answer is: the half that you feed, the other half will starve if/when you deprive it.
Do you want the most or do you want to just get by?
Wrap-up on the Fitness/Health Side of things -
If you want to:
Achieve the goals
Put on the muscle
Lose the weight
Run the 5 min mile
Be the lead scorer on your Lacrosse Team
Put in the work. Count the Macros. Track your Workouts. Do ALL the things!!
Wrap-up on the Faith Side of things -
If you want to:
To live your life FULL of God's purpose
Live with joy and power
Have peace in the midst of life's storms
Overcome addictions, strongholds, and failures