Can you imagine killing it in the gym 6 days a week while eating “healthy” consistently? You’d be expecting huge gains I’m sure. Have you ever been in that boat where the progress didn’t come like you expected? Did you know it’s possible to be undereating as well as overeating. When attempting to build muscle, it’s imperative to supply your body with the necessary macros and be in a caloric surplus!!!
It’s frustrating to trial and error for months and months or even years trying to figure out the ratios. I can take the guess work out of what to eat, when to eat, and HOW to eat. I have over 20 years worth experience of nutrition fails and trial and error. As an ISSA Certified Nutrition Coach, let me calculate your daily macro goals for you. We will adjust them weekly to ensure progress towards your goals, whether it be to lose weight or to gain muscle. It just takes commitment from you to trust the process and your coach.


Calories are not an enemy, and neither is fat or carbs. They all play a role in fueling our bodies to feel great and perform well. You can’t run a car without gasoline, and muscles can’t grow without sufficient nutrients and vitamins.
Nutrition is not as complicated as we make it. Overall, it’s a matter of calories in/calories out. I’m sure we have all heard that before. With the right ratio of Protein, Fat, and Carbs (macros) I can guarantee that your body will get what it needs to achieve ANY goal, regardless of what you’ve read, what your friends told you, genetics, past failures or any other nasty rumors and excuses we have all made in the past.
Plenty of fad diets and trendy approaches promise results. Some deliver, some don't. There is no magic pill. There is also no need to starve or be miserable.
I’m sure every single person we know, including you and me, has tried a diet that didn’t “work” or produce the results we desired. Nutrition is simple, like I said, but there are some factors that keep us from losing weight that is not common knowledge. This is where I have an edge over most trainers. Rise Up Training follows a very simple, science-backed approach that YOUR body has no choice but to respond to. Reach out today. I would love to share it with you. This is no gimmick. Nothing near impossible. It just requires your attention and your trust in me as a trainer.