Fitness and Training- together in a small group setting. Want to switch up your routine workout and feed off the contagious energy of a group session? We offer a wide variety of Group Training Sessions. Check out the calendar for some of our specialty classes this week. Bring a friend and let's get to work. Here is some of what we offer :
HIIT Me Up- Wake up your body. Jumpstart your metabolism! Start your day off right with a quick workout and WIN the day!
Fit Over 50- Fitness designed specifically for adults over 50. These workouts are designed to work on increasing the quality of your life. Move better! Bulletproof your body! Have a great time in community.
YoFit- High School Athletes. Co-ed. Competitive workouts built around getting, better, stronger, faster!! Get a competitive edge in your sport. Let's go!!!
Couples workouts- Expect a very unique and entertaining way to get in shape with your significant other. Partner workouts at its best. Challenge other couples in a fun and exciting way while accomplishing your goals with health and fitness.
Weekend Warrior - Functional training at its best. Expect to see a wide variety of movements. This is the class to be at. Be ready to work and have a great time!
*Childcare provided at additional cost. (All classes available)

you are 90% more likely to achieve your goals with an accountability coach

Expect to see any-to-all of the following equipment in a Group Training Session​
Plyometric Boxes
Slam Balls
Sand bags
Sled Push/Pulls
Tire flips
Sledge Hammers
Cones/Agility Ladder
Wall Balls
Battle Ropes
Concept 2 Rower
Rogue Echo Bike
Assault Air Runner
Balance Work
Farmer's Walks
Boxing/Punching Bags

LOCATION: I train clients out of a private gym in the Soddy Daisy, TN area. It is a private personal training studio with some small group classes. My gym is only open to clients during their session time with their trainer and to those participating in a class.
*Single classes can be purchased day of class/session on site.
**Accepted payments are: Cash, Venmo, and Debit/Credit
***Childcare provided at additional cost.
10 Session Pack
150$This package contains 10 sessions (per individual)Valid for 3 months- HITT Me Up
- Couples Fitness
- Fit Over Fifty
- Youth Fit
- Rise Up Fitness
10-Session Buddy Pac
225$This packagae conatins 10 sessions (includes a friend)Â- This plan allows sessions to ALL classes available