Life seems like an ongoing war with consistency and balance sometimes. For some, it’s a daily battle with weight, a diet, or an ever-changing mood and attitude. For others, it’s a fight to be better, to be stronger, to live a “better life”. I have some great news! That is true for almost every single person that exists...including me!
I have a consuming passion to help people find balance, to elevate their quality of life, and develop into the best version of themselves. I obtained certifications to support my life of experience in fitness, nutrition and competition (see a list of certifications below) to be better equipped to serve YOU. We have all Tried to DO better.....Let’s TRAIN to BE better!
Regardless of your goals or intentions, Rise Up has you covered. We take what you have, with where you are today and commit to making a change.
Rise Up Training is rooted on a coach/athlete connection. We were created for relationship.
We are designed to Live for More.
If you need coaching and want to train at my facility with a 1-on-1 connection, personal training is available today. If you are the parent of a teen, and seeking for your son/daughter to have a competitive edge in their sport, or maybe they have their eyes on a scholarship in the near future, check out our Rise Up Generation program. If individualized attention is not your thing, then check out some of our group classes, boot camps, or bring a friend and choose the buddy training package.

To transform lives and elevate the fullness of life through fitness and nutrition while building an unshakable mindset with an unwavering pursuit of walking in step with the Holy Spirit

I’m Brandon. I’ve been a man on fire and a man stagnant in the monotonous cycle of life. There is no doubt my purpose in life is to love and serve God, represent Jesus, and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit with my every decision. He calls us to love people because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). Want to know more about me?

TRYING - An attempt to change with minimal commitment
TRAINING - A whole hearted commitment to achieve
a specific result or outcome.

"It's not adversity from the outside that stops greatness....It's usually the fear on the inside." Rise Up Training is about relationship and methods. Let's lay a foundation in fitness and nutrition. Get trained and educated. Learn how to make the rest of your life, the BEST of your life.
2 Corinthians 7:1 says this, "With promises like this to pull us on, dear friends, let’s make a clean break with everything that defiles or distracts us, both within and without. Let’s make our entire lives fit and holy temples for the worship of God."
Find out how we are different, but with a purpose!

ISSA Certified Master Trainer
ISSA Certified Nutrition Coach
ISSA Strength and Conditioning Specialist
ISSA Youth Fitness Specialist
ISSA Performance Enhancement Specialist
ISSA Online Coach Specialist
ISSA Bodybuilding Specialist

As a certified nutrition coach, I would love to share the secret of how to plan your macros, eat whatever you want, and still achieve all of your goals. Unfortunately, there is NO secret. Everyone has seen the quote, “You can’t out train a bad diet”. I saw that in my 20’s and thought “challenge accepted”. However, I never beat the system. Using a flexible diet approach, let me teach you how to enjoy the foods you love while finding the proper balance all while making progress in the gym, becoming mentally and hormonally stable, and fueling your body to perform at its absolute best.

Enough “trying”…..let’s start TRAINING. Together. If you live in the Soddy Daisy TN area, Come Train with me!!! If you're not local or available for 1-on1 personal training, check out our online programming. Either way, let’s get started NOW!

Join the Rise Up Movement! Our mission is to Rise Up into the calling that God has placed on our lives to lead, love, protect and serve our families. We are training to be the strongest, healthiest, most physically and mentally disciplined version of ourselves.
Let’s build up one another in this journey. When we lock shields together, we are more likely to achieve victory in the tough battles of life. As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. - Proverbs 27:17